Orpheus 08-28-2024

Eurydice, are you alright?

I am fine, my love.

Look back?

Orpheus waits for a response, but is met with silence of the underworld.

Eurydice, my love, are you alright?

Can you not hear me? I suppose if you cannot see me, Lord Hades saw it fit to make sure that you would not hear me as well.

Look back?

It appears that I cannot hear you, I shall trust that you are well. I will start walking, and I trust that you will be following along behind me.

I will be right behind you, Orpheus, even if you cannot see nor hear me.

Look back?

With those words spoken, Orpheus sets out on his journey to leave the underworld.


I suppose Lord Hades was not generous enough to let me hear even the sound of your footsteps. I will take breaks from time to time, to give you some respite. I refuse to leave here without you.

My love, if the path becomes too dangerous, please think of your own safety before mine. I do not wish for your life to be cut short by this perilous journey.

Look back?

No matter how long it takes, I will return to the surface with you, safe and sound.


Several days have passed since the start of Orpheus's journey. As he traverses the underworld, he sings joyous songs, hoping that Eurydice can hear them. Each night, he speaks to her as he rests, hoping for a response that never comes.

It has been hard to write mirthful songs without your presence. The world simply has no color, no warmth, no beauty in your absence.

I have heard tales from the other shades of how the mournful lyrics which you now sing cause even the plants to wither away. Orpheus, I wish for you to find happiness, even if I am not there.

Look back?

Life has simply been unbearable without you, my muse. I cannot fathom returning to that life without you.

My love, there is still joy to be found in the world. You once compared me to a verdant field of wildflowers - can you not see the beauty in those wildflowers without me present?

Look back?

I sing these songs for you, Eurydice, so that you may remain motivated throughout this treacherous journey.

I am grateful just to hear you singing so happily once more. Even through this danger, I will remain with you.

Look back?


By now, Orpheus has completed a majority of his flight from the underworld, with some difficult segments still lying ahead. Since the start of his trek, a few months have passed.

I think sometimes that you are not even here, that the gods have played a cruel trick upon me, seeing how long it takes before I turn around and see that I have been all by myself this entire time.

I wish I could show you some kind of sign that I remain with you, no matter how small. You cannot hear my voice, feel my touch, and by your promise, you are not to see me.

Look back?

I keep persevering though, as the hope of leaving this wretched place with you is something I desire deeply. My love, do you think this is worth it? Perhaps you stumbled somewhere and have left my side long ago, but I continued onwards without you, paying no mind to your plight.

I worry, Eurydice. I worry.

I will always be here for you, Orpheus. If you were not mindful enough to take breaks, I may not have been able to keep up with you. Even though you could have walked this journey in silence, you chose to talk to me, to sing to me, and I only wish I could be a similar source of support for you now.

I love you, Orpheus, and regardless of what you do, I will always love you.

Look back?


The gates that signal the exit to the underworld loom ahead. Orpheus, weary from months of travel through the stygian lands, becomes reinvigorated by the sight of the exit ahead. He continues forwards, then stops abruptly just a few steps away from the gate.

Eurydice, I do not truly know that you are behind me. I have been faithful in thinking that you have followed me, but I cannot help but doubt myself. What if you are not here, and I leave the underworld of my own volition, never to see you again? What if the fates saw it fit that I go through this gate, turn around, and realize that you were never there to begin with?

Orpheus, do not doubt yourself. You have braved the dangers of the underworld, all to come to this point, where we can be happy together once again in life. Just as you step through those gates, so too shall I, and then we will finally be reunited. I do not care that you cannot hear me - you can do this.

Look back?

Forgive me Eurydice, I simply must know. I cannot stand to think that I have come all this way for nothing, that I could be leaving you here, that I could be returning to the living without you.

I need to see that you are here.

Look back?