Commentary on Orpheus 08-29-2024

Tags: commentary

If you haven't read the piece already, you can read it here. In addition, try using Inspect Element on the page to see what's hidden.

This piece was technically not the first piece here, the author swap came first. However, I figured putting one of my own pieces as the first writeup here would make more sense. Given that it is my first piece that I'm posting here, I'm sure the way I write will improve and change with time.

I wanted to try something that took advantage of the medium, that being an html webpage. What came to mind was a gimmick that I saw in an SCP, SCP-000. In it, there is hidden text that can only be viewed when highlighting it. I thought that was pretty cool, so I wanted to try something similar with a piece of my own. So, I wrote up a story of Orpheus' journey, with Eurydice's replies hidden within the HTML. Every time Orpheus speaks to her, the reader is given the option to turn around and see if she is still there. I had a bit of fun writing the script for that, as well as writing a visible and invisible version of the piece.

Why Orpheus and Eurydice? I've been playing a fair bit of Hades recently, so it has been on my mind. In addition, the posts about not knowing how long the journey out of the underworld was, or whether you personally would turn around to see if your love was still there.

In any case, this is only my first piece, so I think I can do better going forwards. We'll have to see.